Alexander, Spectacle, Hallucinate, Royal Aristocrat and Apsara Star impress

Alexander, Spectacle, Hallucinate, Royal Aristocrat and Apsara Star impressed when the horses were exercised here on Thursday morning (Sept. 15).

Outer sand: 600m: Timeless Romance (Farid Ansari) 41.5. Unextended. Eternal Empress (Rajendra Singh) 43. Moved freely. Star Templar (Farid Ansari) 43. In good shape.

1000m: Gallantry (M. Bhaskar), Star Romance (Yash Narredu) 1-13.5, 800/59, 600/46. Latter was eased up.

Inner sand: 600m: Striking Distance (rb) 46. Easy. A 2-y-o (Sir Percy-Alacritas) (rb) 43. A 2-y-o (Speaking Of Which-Nifty) (Koshi Kumar), a 2-y-o (Akeed Champion-Thunder Bay (rb) 45. Former finished a neck in front. Sweet Fragrance (S.A. Amit) 44. A 2-y-o (Cougar Mountain-Ajaweed) (rb) 43.5. Shaped well.

800m: Grey Twilight (rb) 1-0, 600/45.5. Easy. Star Waves (R. Manish) 56, 600/44. Handy. Suparakiga (rb) 1-1, 600/46. Succession (Yash Narredu) 53.5, 600/39.5. Responded well to the urgings. Rays Of Sun (S.A. Amit) 57, 600/42. Urged. A 2-y-o (Dali-Malakeye Ziba) (rb) 1-0, 600/43.5. Niggled. A 2-y-o (Win Legend – Terra Nova) (rb), a 2-y-o (Planetaire-Just Julie) (rb) 58, 600/42. Former finished three lengths ahead.

1000m: Remediesofspring (rb) 1-16, 800/1-1, 600/46. Easy. Glorious Grace (rb) 1-17, 800/1-3, 600/48. Easy. MSG Fantasy (rb) 1-13, 800/59.5, 600/46. Moved freely. Great Spirit (Yash Narredu), Sonic Dash (M. Bhaskar) 1-9, 800/54, 600/39. They moved impressively, former started three lengths behind and ended level. Hallucinate (Farid Ansari) 1-6.5, 800/52, 600/39. A fine display. A 2-y-o (Smuggler’s Cove- Night Of Stars) (rb), Desert Storm (Manikandan) 1-12, 800/56, 600/41. They moved well and finished level. Slainte (Farhan Alam) 1-18, 800/1-3, 600/48. Easy. Alexander (M. Bhaskar), Spectacle (Yash Narredu) 1-7.5, 800/52, 600/38.5. They moved attractively. Rule Of Emperors (Farid Ansari) 1-11, 800/55, 600/40.5. Stretched out well. Admiral Shaw (rb) 1-15, 800/1-1.5, 600/46.5. Easy. Stolen Glance (rb) 1-15, 800/1-0.5, 600/45.5. Moved freely. Walking Brave (M. Bhaskar) 1-7, 800/52, 600/40. Impressed. Andorra (Farhan Alam) 1-14.5, 800/1-0.5, 600/46. Well in hand. Cheval Blanc (Ramandeep) 1-28, (1,200-600) 40.5. Eased up. Turf Melody (Yash Narredu), Versatile (M. Bhaskar) 1-32, 1,000/1-13.5, 800/57.5, 600/43. Former started three lengths behind and finished level. A 2-y-o (Win Legend-Missoni) (B. Dharshan), a 2-y-o (Fiero-Sunset Sail) (R. Manish) 1-13, 800/1-0.5, 600/46. They finished together.

1200m: Bienfaisant (Farhan Alam) 1-33, (1,200-600) 44. Eased up. Royal Aristocrat (Farid Ansari) 1-27.5, 1,000/1-7, 800/53.5, 600/40. Pleased. Glorious Legend (R. Manish), Majestic Wind (Ramandeep) 1-26.5, 1,000/1-10, 800/56, 600/43.5. A fit pair. Kikata (rb) 1-27, 1,000/1-12.5, 800/59, 600/44.5. Eased up. Boltonic (rb) 1-33, (1,200-600) 46. Nagada (rb) 1-33, (1,200-600) 45.5. Easy.

1400m: Apsara Star (Farhan Alam) 1-35, 1,200/1-22, 1,000/1-10, 800/58, 600/45. She moved well within herself.

Mock race: 1000m: Supreme Runner (M. Bhaskar), Euphoric (S. Kamble), Bohemian Grandeur (Farhan Alam), Torbert (Ram Nandan), Three Of A Kind (Khet Singh), Bella Amor (Farid Ansari), Dominant (Koshi Kumar), Ibrahimovic (P.S. Kaviraj) and Bharava’s Queen (R. Manish). Won by: 1-1/4, lnk and 1. 1m, 1.20s. Alpha (A.M. Alam) did not finish.

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