Chaposa Springs, Asio, Aurora Borealis and Royal Supremacy shine

Chaposa Springs, Asio, Aurora Borealis and Royal Supremacy shone when the horses were exercised here on Wednesday morning.
Outer sand: 1000m: Lady Zeen (Ramandeep) 1-15, 800/1-0, 600/45. Urged in the last part. Demerara (rb) 1-12, 800/57, 600/41.5. Worked well. Soft Whisper (S. Kabdhar), Speculation (Manikandan) 1-12, 800/1-0,
600/48. They were eased up. Annexed (S. Kabdhar), Multicrown (Manikandan) 1-13, 800/57.5, 600/43.5. They moved together. Asio (B. Dharshan), Ruling Star (M. Bhaskar) 1-11, 800/55, 600/40. Former moved on the bit, while the latter was pushed to keep up the pace.

Inner sand: 600m: A 3-y-o (Total Gallery – Megara) 47.5. Easy. Reign Illustrious (Farid Ansari), Sea Waters (Shyam Kumar) 45. They finished together. Kanya Rashi (P.S. Kaviraj), Precious Grey (M.S. Deora) 43.5. They finished level.

800m: Royal Mayfair (rb) 1-0, 600/44.5. Easy. Hallucinate (Shyam Kumar) 58, 600/43. Unextended. Ocean Love (K.V. Baskar) 58.5, 600/44. Easy. Royal Supremacy (Farid Ansari), Hellen Of Troy (Shyam Kumar) 56, 600/40. Former moved impressively and finished three lengths ahead.

1000m: Chaposa Springs (R. Manish) 1-12, 800/54.5, 600/40. Responded well to the urgings. Nicobar (Ramandeep) 1-17.5, 800/1-2, 600/47. Easy. Aurora Borealis (Shyam Kumar), Supreme Grandeur (rb) 1-13, 800/57, 600/41. Former was handy, latter extended and finished level. Full Of Surprise (rb) 1-11.5, 800/58, 600/44.5. Worked well. Majestic Wind (rb) 1-13.5, 800/58.5, 600/44. Shaped well. Beauregard (R. Manish) 1-10, 800/56, 600/42. Stretched out well. Multiwave (S. Kabdhar), Anzio (Manikandan) 1-15, 800/1-0.5, 600/46. They finished level. Three Of A Kind (rb) 1-16, 800/1-0.5, 600/44.5. Easy. Brotherhood (Inayat) 1-16.5, 800/1-1.5, 600/47.5. Easy.

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