Dystrophy does not deter this chess player

For mobility even at home, he has to be on an automated wheelchair. But, K.S.S.R.A. Praneeth shows indefatigable spirit to make the right moves on the 64 squares despite a grim battle for survival.

This 15-year-old’s passion for chess transgresses all possible barriers, including mental and physical.

Only on Sunday, Praneeth, former junior national chess champion for disabled, was given a special prize for his ‘skills’ in the Brilliant Trophy Open (3rd place in under-15) online chess tournament.

“He just cannot stay away from the game. He loves to keep playing,” says his father K. Srinivasa Rao, who works in an audit firm (EY) in the city.

“Unfortunately, both sons suffer from a genetic disorder i.e. DMD (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) that weakens the muscles that help the body move, an issue which prevents them from making the proteins they need for healthy muscles,” he said.

“Despite this major handicap, Praneeth was actually preparing for the IPCA selections scheduled for April or May. But, he is now forced to abandon that plan to get treated in Kolkata,” says Mr. Srinivasa and his wife Pavani.

For his part, Praneeth says that chess is what keeps him going and he will continue to try his best to keep making the right moves. “Yes, it is a huge challenge given my condition. But, that is not a deterrent,” says the spirited chess player.

Ironically, both Praneeth and his brother Shourie, suffer from the same health issue which makes life all the more difficult for the parents who are forced to strike the right balance between taking care of the health of their children and at the same time let them continue with their respective passion.

Their second son, though not a chess player, participates in various sports events. Recently, he participated in the BOCCIA National Championship 2020.

The fact that the two young boys are forced to skip the idea of even pursuing education is a blow which is not easy to digest. “We are making all out efforts to get Praneeth and Shourie treated. It is the biggest challenge for us,” the parents said.

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