“Once In A Century” Flood Hits Australia, Hundreds Airlifted

In some parts, he said flood waters stretched for 50 kilometres. Sydney: Military helicopters airlifted hundreds…

Major Emergency In Australia As Floods Swallow Cars, Swamp Houses

A tavern lies damaged by floods in the Melbourne suburb of Maribyrnong. Melbourne: Flash floods swamped…

Thousands More Flee Amid Severe Floods In Sydney

The floods, heavy rain and powerful winds led to power cuts for 19,000 homes. Sydney: Rain-swollen…

“Rain Just Won’t Stop”: Half A Million Face Flood Evacuation In Australia

Australia Floods Updates: Tens of thousands of Australians fled their homes. Lawrence, Australia: Emergency services ordered…

Deadly Rains, Floods Hit Eastern Australia, 5 Killed

At least one person is still missing. Sydney: Torrential downpours lashed eastern Australia on Saturday, raising…