Top Ten FAQ’s for New Car Buyers

Buying a car is not as easy as it might seem. There are a lot of questions that you need to find the answer to before you cough up large amounts of money.

We listed some critical points, and you should ask your car dealer these questions so that they can help you make an informed decision. Let’s dive in!

Q1. How much does the car cost on-road? 

This price is the combined price consisting of insurance, handling charges, registration, accessories, warranty, and the car’s price. Other charges and taxes might also be involved in this cost, and the car might come at a higher price than you imagined.

Q2. What does the warranty cover? 

Electrical and mechanical components are usually covered by the warranty. However, accessories such as the stereo are not. Ask your dealer about the things that the warranty covers upfront.


Q3. Where is the service center? 

Ask your dealer where the nearest service centre is because you will need to go there for car maintenance. Some dealerships have service centres with them, and some don’t. You needed the centre to get your car fixed and gauge how far you would have to go.


Q4. What are the prices of various parts, such as headlights, bumpers, and so on?

Your car will get scratched, damaged, or even get into accidents. You need to know the price of the parts to gauge if you need to claim insurance or if you can pay a small amount and get it repaired. 

Q5. Is it mandatory to get insurance from the same dealership? 

You should ask this because getting insurance from outside the dealership will be more lucrative. Car dealerships have tie-ups with insurance companies and charge a higher price for the insurance. Your money is hard-earned, and it wouldn’t be wrong to save it. 

Q6. Was your car used for a demo? 

Sometimes manufacturers aren’t able to provide the required number of units. In such cases, dealerships keep demo cars in mint condition and try to pass them off as new. Check your car thoroughly before buying it for any damage, and ask the dealer if your car was used as a demo car. 

Q7. What financing options are available? 

Paying the whole price upfront is not everyone’s cup of tea, and you should inquire about the various financing options available to you. 


Q8. When will your car be delivered?

You should ask when your car will be delivered to you because sometimes there is a wait and it could be months before you see your car. In some cases, it will be delivered instantaneously. 

Q9. How soon will the number plate and RC come? 

These two things are legally mandatory, and your car will be impounded if you do not have them on you. 

Q10. Is an upgrade near? 

If your car has an upgraded version on the way, then you would want to wait. 


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